Publishing/Leadership Project...just the thought of it makes my stomach churn, my blood pressure rise, and a feeling of overwhelming panic descends!
"Ok," I tell myself, "take a deep breath...I've done the AR project...put aside the feelings of 'who would even care about my project?'...BREATHE!"
As all of this runs through my brain 24/7 (which, by the way, I have learned is how I work best...around and around in my head and then it goes much better when actually writing or creating the project!)
So I thought about writing a paper, but since I much prefer personal style writing and my project was targeted to a second grade audience, (thus teachers who teach elementary music will probably be the most interested in my findings) a presentation actually seems to be the more appropriate choice. I feel that it will be challenging, but also a whole lot more fun (which is really what it is all about!) :)
I've thought about places to present and I feel that presenting for my music department staff and/or elementary staff would be good practice runs, but since I know that EMDT is looking for a bigger audience, I am thinking about Student Centered Learning through Department of Public Instruction in Wisconsin, or the Wisconsin Music Educators Conference.
Stay tuned for Part 2!
Kathy- I am feeling the same way! It's a scary thought and we are putting ourselves out there by publishing our work. However, your AR project is so interesting and I know that others will not only find it helpful but interesting. You have done such a nice job with it! The Wisconsin Music Educators Conference? WOW! Good luck, I know you will be great.