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Friday, August 13, 2010

Wk3 Reading "Ready to Ignite?"

Am I ready to ignite new sparks?
As I continued the reading for this week I considered what I am passionate about...and about the practice of enrollment. The Zanders (2000, p. 126) list the steps to this practice:" 1. Imagine that people are an invitation for enrollment. 2. Stand ready to participate, willing to be moved and inspired. 3. Offer that which lights you up. 4. Have no doubt that others are eager to catch the spark. "
These are excellent reminders to me right now as I feel resistant to going back to work. EMDT is an all-consuming passion for me and I have loved having these past 3 months to focus fully on it! When thoughts creep in questioning how I'm going to finish this degree while starting the school year, I have to remind myself of the first 8 months of this program when I was teaching full time throughout!
So in two short weeks....
My fellow staff members and even more importantly, my students will be invitations for enrollment. I will be rested and ready to participate as a team member and facilitator, and eager to be inspired by the bright faces and personalities of my students. I will continue to offer them all I have learned in EMDT, and my passion for music and relationships. I will have no doubt that I will have students with shining eyes who will far exceed my expectations!

Zander, B. & Zander, R. (2000). The art of possibility. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press


  1. I know exactly how you feel. I have started another long term teaching assignment as a dance teacher at an arts academy. I really do miss having the entire day to consume myself in my assignments. On other hand, my students are inspiring me and giving me even more reason for completing this program. I see so many students that would benefit greatly from the things that I have learned in this program. After my first week of class, which are primarily spent on going over the rules and consequences, I will definitely be sharing what I have learned in the program.


  2. @Kathy -

    I always love to hear your perspective on the reading, because often our thoughts intertwine:) You have such a "spark" about you, and I have no doubt that the kids see that and begin to ignite with passion for music!
    I have returned to school and miss having my days free to explore ideas we have learned from Full Sail, but just remember we only have a few weeks left to enjoy this wonderful program:) I keep telling myself - be present, be present! Good job, Kathy!

  3. Kathy,

    We are always thinking alike. I couldn't agree with you more when you discuss your concerns about returning to work full time and balancing out our master's work. We did it before...We will do it again! We are conquerors, night elves, dwarfs and more. You are so right to apply our understanding of enrollment to this situation. This is the perfect place to begin working on our conversations of possibility. Especially as we head into the final stages of our degree!

  4. Kathy,
    I too felt that the reading had great timing since we are ready to start a new school year while ending our journey at Full Sail. Remembering that we are the sparks that will motivate and enlighten our fellow staff and students is a wonderful thought. I have no doubt that you will fulfill your goals and ignite sparks in other this school year- I know you have ignited sparks in our classes!

  5. You bring up such a great point! As amazing as this program has been for me, I know that I focus on the current course, the current week’s assignments. I fail to stop and look back, at how far I have come! And what I have learned! I am actually starting to feel a little sad that it is almost over. The best of luck to you, Kathy!

  6. @Kathy
    I love how you talk about "spark." As we start a new school year and come to the end of this program, I am ready to light up some "sparks." Oh the possibilities. And I love this book and all the motivation it gives me. I agree with Abbie, you do have a special "spark" about you. I love the way you think. I find myself reading your blog every week, not only because you do it but because I like to read what you write! Thank you for sharing with us!

  7. Kathy -

    One of the advantages you have since you teach music and now that you are almost done with FSO is the ease of which you can follow rule number 2 in your post. I have a sneaking suspicion your kids will move and inspire you in more ways than you thought possible and it won't necessarily be because of the vast improvement in their note reading skill or musical ability (those are givens) but the simple fact that you are ready to participate and willing to be moved and inspired.

    After a short while I bet you will see a change in old grumpy assistant teacher person as well as she sees the results of the sparks in the room.
